Monday, October 29, 2007

Running the Race

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1

Have you ever stopped to think that life is a RACE?? That is what the Bible teaches us in Hebrews Ch. 12. I love the quote "LIFE IS NOT A DESTINATION, ITS A JOURNEY" I think that life is a crazy thing sometimes, I am blessed to have had a life full of 34 years of my journey, I hope to have 34 more at least!!! I cannot dream of living older to a ripe old lady in my 90's anymore, the cancer changed my focus... all I can see is today, and tommorow.

I found out that a friend of my sister's 27 year old brother died of a heart attack this past week.. 27!!! So totally young, we ask why when crazy things like this happen. Why Lord? As far as I know he was a Christian, so he will be in Heaven with Jesus!!! That is our final destination in life, is to lead a life pleasing to the Lord, and end up in eternity with him Forever!!! Forever is a pretty deep concept if you think about it!!

And what amazing promises the Lord has for those who believe in his name!! I am thankful today for eternity, hopefully I won't be seeing it for a long, long time because I want to grow old on earth, and do the things that the LORD will have me do, until my time has come. But I am thankful that Christ died so I can be FREE and live life in eternity with Jesus!!!

Praze B 2 God!! :) Shanda :)

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Joy's of Childhood

The simple joys of childhood, no house payments, no bills hovering over your head, no work to be done (maybe a few chores to help out around the house). Simple living!!! I have been given the task to raise 4 amazing, beautiful children, each with their own gifts and talents, given to them by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!! What an overwhelming task at times!!! Especially in the face of a cancer diganosis. As far as I know, I am "cancer-free", hoping and praying that the nasty little bug will never return again in my life!!! But I am aware of the risk of recourance, a fact that will follow me the rest of my life. One Dr. said to me, once you reach 5 years, your good, 10 years and your golden!!! I am hoping and praying for ten years and beyond, so I can see my children grow into the adults that I am training them up to be.

Raising children is definatley undervaulued in our society, for sure!!! Being a homeschooling, single parent, I am completley hands on every day, all day!!! I consider this a blessing, and a huge undertaking, one I hope and pray that I am succedding at each and every day!!

This picture, I simply entail "The Joy of Childhood" Simple, yet overwhelming at the same time.

I love my children with all my heart, I am blessed to have such amazing young people in my life everyday!!

Blessings to you today :) Shanda :)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Beautiful Lake Huron!!!

This was taken about 2 weeks ago, on beautiful Lake Huron, where my parents live. The children and I went up there for three nights/ four days the last day of my radiation for a little vacation. Six weeks of radiation, I was not able to go anywhere at all, so it was very nice to get away :). We had a very nice time, my parents set aside a few days from their activities and showed us some sights, and we did some special activities. One of the things we did was go hiking on their 10 acre piece of property about 5 miles from their house, and we had a bon-fire and made s'mores (yummy). We also went to a local cider mill with a petting zoo, the children loved the animals :) :) :) :).

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Playing a little football :) :) :) :)

Fall is here officially, although you would not know it by the way warm weather we have been having, it's been GREAT!!! My children have all been apart of a fall flag football league that my church is doing, called "upwards". They each have a team, and they have been playing harder than ever!!! They all enjoy it, and are getting better each week. Katie's team is undefeated, and Tyler's team won for the first time last weekend (they play games on Saturday's). So that has been keeping us very busy!!! Home schooling is also keeping us very busy, with a first grader through 6th grader, I've definatly got my work cut out for me!! I get to correct every single page that they do, which is a lot every day!!!

I am glad to live in a state that support's home schooling though, that's for sure!!!

I hope you enjoy the pictures, I'll report more later. Blessings :) Shanda :)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Finally... an Update!!!

So sorry I have not updated you all... it's been one busy back-to-school month!!! From school work, to flag football, we have been keeping busy!!! Four children ages 6-11 are keeping me busier than ever!!!

I am doing well, health wise. I finished radiation a week ago, and the children and I headed up north to spend a few days with my parents, that was very nice!!

I'll be looking for employment soon, and possibly going back to school in Jan. to obtain my E.M.T Liscense, so I can go back to school next year to earn my Paramedic liscense back, and then work in an ER.

Life is good, all the time, I am thankful to be here!!!

Love everyone,

Blessings, :) Shanda :)