Have you ever stopped to think that life is a RACE?? That is what the Bible teaches us in Hebrews Ch. 12. I love the quote "LIFE IS NOT A DESTINATION, ITS A JOURNEY" I think that life is a crazy thing sometimes, I am blessed to have had a life full of 34 years of my journey, I hope to have 34 more at least!!! I cannot dream of living older to a ripe old lady in my 90's anymore, the cancer changed my focus... all I can see is today, and tommorow.
I found out that a friend of my sister's 27 year old brother died of a heart attack this past week.. 27!!! So totally young, we ask why when crazy things like this happen. Why Lord? As far as I know he was a Christian, so he will be in Heaven with Jesus!!! That is our final destination in life, is to lead a life pleasing to the Lord, and end up in eternity with him Forever!!! Forever is a pretty deep concept if you think about it!!
And what amazing promises the Lord has for those who believe in his name!! I am thankful today for eternity, hopefully I won't be seeing it for a long, long time because I want to grow old on earth, and do the things that the LORD will have me do, until my time has come. But I am thankful that Christ died so I can be FREE and live life in eternity with Jesus!!!
Praze B 2 God!! :) Shanda :)