Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry CHRISTmas Everyone!!!!

Here are some pictures from our Christmas Morning, I hope yours was as blessed as ours was!!!

Blessing's to everyone,

Love, :) Shanda :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008


It's short but sweet. They had a nice graduation for us last night, now I just have to take my National Registry test in January and I will be an official EMT!!!

Praze B 2 God!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Graduation Today!!

Today I graduated from my EMT class @ Waterford EMS Academy!!! God is so good, he has continued to bless myself and my children more than we could ever imagine, he continues to bring in $$$ For food, and Christmas Gifts for my children, he is just such an amazing God, I want you to know reading this that my STRENGTH comes from HIM!! My making it through cancer, I only could have done it with him!!!

He is my God, my Rock and my SALVATION!!!!

Blessings to you today, love in CHRIST JESUS, :) Shanda :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And MORE pictures's :)

More Pictures of the "Fam"

Katie got a digital Camera from "Aunt Alicia" so she wants to show off her pictures!!!

Merry CHRISTmas... well, it will come soon enough!!

I can't believe it's already Dec. 10th!!!

The boys are going to a small private school 2 days a week, and I actually had a JOB for 3 weeks!!! It was a short term assignment right around the corner from my house, for a Hospice patient. Unfortuanatly she died and I am now out of work again!! I graduate from my EMT class next week, and will take the National Registry test in January, then I will hopefully get a job with the local private ambulance company!!!

We added a new pet to our home "Socks 2" Named after my almost 20 year old cat Socks, was picked up from a local car fixing place, they had 3 kittens, my sister took the other 2, plus their dog!!!

IT's been a crazy winter thus far for our household... dirty dishes everywhere, this house is definatly "lived in" That is what I call our disastourous mess of a house, the "lived in look" LOL... one day when my children are grown and gone, I will have a squeaky clean house with nice furniture... then I'll just have to keep an eye on my granchildren (lord willing).!!

Life is good, God is even better!!

Blessings to all this CHRISTmas season!!

