Monday, April 23, 2007

My hair

My hair is starting to grow back... it's very very short, and feels like soft baby hair, or like a little baby chick. It's brown.. but I detected a big white patch yesterday.. so we shall see! I went to a really neat event @ Gilda's club on Sat. they had a special day for young survivor's (in your 20's and 30's) and they featured a really neat guy... check it out. They sponser "adventure event's" for cancer survivors. I think it would be cool for my children and I to bike accross the country in 5 years :) :). They would be 11-15 then so I think they could handle it. They love riding their bikes. I have been doing a lot of biking because I am trying to lose the 20 lbs. I gained from all the steriods from chemo. I bike between 2-4 miles every day, or every other day. If I don't bike, I try to walk 2-3 miles. Of course, I do have my days where I just lay around and do nothing, but I try not to eat everything in the house (that's what the steriods do, they make me want to eat everything in a 5 mile radius!!!)

I meet with my plastic surgeon tommorow. I have decided to do a double mast. and just get them both removed so I don't have to worry about checking the healthy breast all the time, I do it now "I think I feel something, no I don't.. yes I do!!!" plus the reconstruction will just look better if I do both, and I have insurance now, so I just decided it would be the best. U of M has been recommending a double ever since the beginning because of my age, and the aggressiveness of the cancer. I am not sure what kind of reconstruction. I want to do the immediate "TRAM" but I don't know if my plastic surgeon will do that, because last time I met with him I just wanted one done, and he said in passing "I would not do a double on you" and I did not question it, because at that time I just wanted a single. So I meet with him tommorow, I might just have to do implants, which I really am not too thrilled about, but I also heard that with the TRAM that it can affect your stomach severly where you can't lift a lot, or you will get a hernia etc.. and with my business, and my children, and being single, I lift a lot all the time. So I guess we will see tommorow! Also, I should have a surgery date, hopefully the week of May 21.

Things are going well, we are REALLY enjoying the great warm weather we are having! I love spring and summer, they are my favorites :).

Also, after I know my surgery date, I will probally send in our application for "Extreme Make-over Home Edition" so that will be cool, I am sure they will call us in a week or two if they are interested in helping us :) :) and that would just be AMAZING!!

:) Blessings :) Shanda

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