Friday, June 22, 2007


Whew.. pain is a little better now, I went to church for the first time in FOREVER last Sun. night.. it was nice... a little loud though, I left with a headache, but I was glad I went. My church paid for my 2 boys (6 & 8) to go to day camp all this week, they love it and the girls and I are enjoying the quietness! Today is their last day, yesterday they went to the Toledo Zoo. It took me hours to explain to my youngest that he was not going to Ceder Point (because Ceder Point is in Ohio). I think they had more fun on the bus than at the Zoo! They are really enjoying it, then next week is Vacation Bible School for all 4 of my children, woo hoo! I get 3 hours a day to myself!!

To all my b/c sisters out there... I have to make the "radiation" decision asap! They are telling me that it will reduce my risk of recurrance by 10%.. but the only indication for radiation was that the tumor was so large right before I started chemo (5.5cm). I had a double mast. with VERY clear margins, and no cancer in my lymph nodes.. give me your advice!! And prayers also :) I would have to do 6 weeks, 5 days a week!

My best friend Tonya, her 2 children and her husband who is an evangelist out in Boston were here last week. We were able to spend a lot of time together. She and I and her little brother went to see Spiderman 3, good movie :)... and I was able to go see Aaron preach 2 nights up in Davison. His last sermon was really good, he was sharing about what a great need there is to share our belief and love for Christ, and how the world is hungry for it! To be a bold Christian is the only way to be to please God. If you deny him, he will deny you.

I could not be bolder... it is God and his son Jesus Christ that has provided for my every need, and been my comforter all these months living with cancer.

I am officially "cancer free" as far as I know, they got it all at surgery, and I am praying for a long cancer free life!!

Thank you again for your support and prayers!

luv, :) Shanda :)


Always Irritated said...

Get the rads. You had a very large tumor. Even with clear nodes and margins (YAY!) you have a higher chance of recurrence. Do what you can now to ensure the beast never comes back. Glad you are feeling better! PS.. Rads is a breeze compared to chemo. You'll be in and out of there in less than 10 minutes every day.

Shanda said...

Thanks for the advice :) Radiation here I come :) :)!!!