Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Letter

Now is the time of year I always write our families Christmas letter, and take a family picture. This year, I am seriously slacking in that department, I don't know if I am avoiding the family picture due to my oh-so-gourgeous hair (NOT), or what. I need to hurry up and get on the ball though, because I only have a few weeks until Christmas will be here!!
We are all doing fine, the children are getting bigger and smarter everyday, actually my oldest, Katie is at a Jr. High event right now, I can't believe my little girl is in Jr. High!!!!
Not much to say, nothing specifically exciting is going on in our lives right now, God is taking GREAT care of us though, and I know his blessings won't stop to keep us going :) :)>
Thanks for reading, have a blessed day!! Love, in CHRIST, Shanda

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