Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Please Pray for a job for me!!

Well, the department I interviewed for did not hire me, they recommeded that my application and resume be sent to another department for review, so now I am waiting on another department to call me for an interview, prayerfully I am hoping to be hired!! Keep up those prayers!!

Thanks, Many Blessings to you and your family tonight

:) Shanda :)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Up In The Air

My life is "up in the air" so to speak, with so much riding on me getting a job, these last few days, it's been difficult to be patient and wait for word. I was up near the hospital this a.m for a Dr.'s appointment, and decided to swing by and check with the nurse manager, she said she still has one more person to interview and then they will be making offers, so hopefully I'll hear something by the end of the day today!! At least that is what she told me on Monday, so I'll keep you posted on the job situation. Thank you for your prayers, I know that the Lord is in control, and he will provide for my bills to be paid!! Because God is good!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Job Interview

I have an interview for the job I applied for on Monday, I am very confident that I can do the job, hopefully they will hire me on the spot!! That is what I am praying for!! God is good :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Selena's Ten!!!!

My baby girl is ten years old now!!! We had a nice celebration at home with cake, ice cream and lots of presents!! The teen years are right around the corner, boy-oh-boy, I'm excited about those years :) :).

Friday, January 11, 2008


Praze God, I'm officially cancer free!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! My doctor told me, stastically I only have a 13% chance of the cancer coming back, and a 9% chance of dying from cancer, those statsics sound pretty good for me!!! I am rejoicing in the Lord today, I went out and bought a cake for my children and I to celebrate the LIFE the Lord has given to me!!!

Thank You Jesus!!!


Monday, January 7, 2008

Job Seeking!!!

I Applied last week for a PCA position at the hospital I spent so much time in last year!! It's basiccally a nurses aid position, and the hospital IS hiring currently, I even have a babysitter set up alreday, and school plans for the boys (It's a mid-night shift). So, if you would kindly lift up this matter in prayer, I would greatly appriaciate it :) I hope they call me this week to interview, and I hope to be working by Feb. :)!!!!!! We'll see what the Lord has planned for me!! I just finished my post-radiation test's to confirm that I am officially Cancer free!! I'll know the results by the end of the week.

Blessing's to you!!

:) Shanda :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A GREAT 2008!!

Happy New Year to you and your family, I hope your holiday season went well. Ours was amazing, God provided another wonderful Christmas by using family and friends and even strangers to provide a landslide of gifts!!! Thank you Lord, for your many blessings this year!!! We were able to get together with loved ones and celebrate Christ's birthday!!!! I pray that you and your family has an amazing 2008!!

Blessings to you and your family love,

:) Shanda :)