Friday, January 11, 2008


Praze God, I'm officially cancer free!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! My doctor told me, stastically I only have a 13% chance of the cancer coming back, and a 9% chance of dying from cancer, those statsics sound pretty good for me!!! I am rejoicing in the Lord today, I went out and bought a cake for my children and I to celebrate the LIFE the Lord has given to me!!!

Thank You Jesus!!!



Kristine said...

HALLELUJAH -- PRAISE HIS NAME!!! Eat a piece of cake for me! :)

Sarah said...

Shanda, I rejoice with you and your family!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!

This is great news. Have you heard about the job? I've worked nights, and it would not be my first choice, if I had a choice. Will pray you will get the job God has waiting for you.

FYI: I'm Bonnie's MIL.
Blessings to you, Sarah

Shanda said...

Nope, no job yet, I have an interview on Monday though!!! God is good, I actually like working nights, and I think it will work out better for my childcare situation too (it's easier to have someone spend the night than to work during the day, because most people work during the day)

V said...

That's great news. May you continue to be blessed.