Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This is one video you have to see. The song comes from the Broadway play "Rent", and although I can not recommend the play, this one piece of it is a gem. The setting for the song is an AIDS support group. From what I've read, the idea for the song came from an HIV support meeting a few years ago where a man stood up and said, "I'm not afraid of dying -- I'm ready for that. I just want to know this: Will I lose my dignity?" This song hit me pretty hard, as many days I wondered if cancer was going to take my life, I would have to leave my children, which truly broke my heart in two. When you listen to this song, think of all the children that are orphans in Africa, or even here in the USA because of AIDS!!! I had all my children listen to this song, while closing their eyes, and then I asked them what did you hear, and my daughter said "They are singing about dying, arent they" and I said Yes, and I explained the best I could as a Christian mom about the diseases AIDS and HIV, and how many people die from them each year, I hope this song touches you as it did to me!! Blessings :) Shanda ;)

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