Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Home Again, school begin's!!!

Were home from the summer on the road, thank God, we made it all in one piece, I started school last week to earn my EMT liscense so I can go back to school next year for my Paramedic classes!!!

A lot is going on right now, I am starting to homeschool my 4 children, and my younger sister Alicia is staying with me for a few weeks, and her one year old baby Logan.

I had a slumber party for Katie's 12th birthday (since we always seem to be on the road for her birthday). That went well!!

Things are great, I'm cancer free..getting back into life, God is good to me, I should be a RN in 4 years if all goes well!!!

Praze B 2 God!!

He is good to us, even when we don't deserve it.

Here are some pictures of Niagara Falls, enjoy!!!


Kristine said...

That's what I get when I don't check your blog....I just found your new posting! We've been praying for your travels. We're glad you're back safe! We're planning a trip to your neck of the woods and wondered if we could get together???!! If you can't come up here, we'll just have to come down there! :)

Your Cuz

Shanda said...

When will you be here?? Can't wait to see you all again!! Blessings,
