Tuesday, January 13, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year to all of you out their reading this, ours has been a blessed one, as God has seen to it that all our needs have been met this year. I am currently unemployed, I am employed at a home health care place, but I'm between assignments currenty, and I am waiting to take my National Regsistry Test for my EMT liscense, but no one local is hiring, I may have to go to Detroit to go find a job!!!! Hopefully I won't have to do that, but I need to be working!!! I have an ARM on My Mortgage that will reach out in April of 2010, and I need to make a minium of 50K this year in order to refinace my house, so I need to work as much as possible before I start school in September!!!!!

Please pray that the Lord will give me a full time job asap!!!

Thanks and Blessings to you!!

:) Shanda :)

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