Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Back from our first show and I'm finished with School!!!

We just got back Sunday night around midnight because we blew out a tire in OH on our way home, it was pretty scarey and I believe the Lord totally protected us from getting into a car accident!!! It was costly, after calling my insurance company and finding out I don't have road side assistance (which annyoy's me because I totally remember asking for that when I got the policy!!! I have $1500 in dectuable's to pay for damage to the RV. 3 different claims for the tire, Tristan decided to get angry and break out one of the RV windows!!! and I backed into a wooden pole and practically ripped off my back bumper!!! So all in all, I ended up losing money at the show, because any profit needs to be spent on fixing the RV. What Tristan does not realize is all this damage he is doing, he WILL pay me back when he gets his first job when he's 14...it's adding up quickly!!!!

I did my final today in my stinking philosophy class. I got a 55... probally the lowest grade I've ever recieved. I am sure part of that was because I missed 2 classes last week. I will hopefully end up with a C in the class which I think will be ok, because I have to have a 3.5 OVERALL entering nursing school and I still have about 6 classes to take before applying to the program. So please pray for good grades from now on!!!

Well, gotta run, we are at the libaray and my children want to leave!!

Blessings to all of you!



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