Saturday, January 6, 2007


Doing great today! For all of you who would like a new prayer request.... my 17 (just turned in December) year old sister annonunced yesterday that she is pregnant. Her boyfriend is 16 and neither one of them is working, or prepared for this. Her name is Alicia and I know prayers for her, and this new life would be very wonderful :). She has tons of support in all 5 of her older sisters, I am thankful that she shared the news with me. So for once in the last few weeks, I feel like the focus of me dealing with cancer is on the back burner, now we have a 17 year old dealing with a pregnancy. I have been feeling good, eating good and enjoying the weekend with my sisters :). I joined a woman's small group bible study this past tuesday and I have really enjoyed the study sessions that we are to do for homework. They are very in depth, and I am learning a lot. God is good! Blessings to you today, Shanda.

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