Thursday, January 4, 2007

GREAT NEWS!!! 01-04-07

Just a quick update....I had my second chemo yesterday, and I met with the oncologist. Just after one chemotherapy treatment, my tumor has shrunk 1/3 of it's size!!! YEAH!!! I was so excited to hear this news! So everything went well with yesterday's chemo and I am feeling good today. I just crock-potted a huge batch of chicken noodle soup and I am having my friend come over to give me the $4000. white blood cell boaster shot tonight, and her daughter might come over and give me an ultra short hair cut, because my hair began falling out yesterday before I went in for my treatment. I am so thankful for the great news!! And so excited that I am meeting new people through this most interesting turn of events in my life.
Above is a picture off the Montery Bay Coast in California. I was blessed to travel out there over the summer for my business and we had a few days open to sight seeing. It was a cold windy day that day, but I just love this picture!
I hope you are having a great day today, and remember, God cares for you, each day, and nothing is too big for him to forgive, to work in, he is alive and well and I am so thankful I have him in my life!

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