Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Love... what does that mean to you? That 4 letter word that is way over used in our world. The best love in the world I have experienced is the undying love of Jesus. He has blessed me, taken care of me and sent many special people into my life to help me in this journey called cancer.
I don't hate very many things in life. Of course I hate cruelty, injustace, racism etc... but I officially hate disease and illness. I hate spending most of my day in bed.... so tired I can't get up. For some odd reason, I think I had more energy when I was in the hospital. I can't seem to sleep enough. I think my body is making up for 3 weeks with low sleep.
I start chemo again on thursday. It's a new chemo drug (new to me). I finished up my 4 rounds of A/C, now I am scheduled for 12 weeks of Taxol.
Prayer requests: That my new port stays infection free for 3 months so I can finish chemo and that I stay strong!!! Also, I need to make a decision about a single or double mastectomy. There are just some decisions that seem unfair in life.
:) Blessings :) Shanda

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