Sunday, March 18, 2007


I will now be posting from my local library. I cancelled my home internet service and a few other bills due to the fact that I am not able to work. I may have surgery earlier rather than later so that is good (the faster I heal, the faster I can get back to work). Things are going well, I am enjoying the "tease" of Spring with the sunshine.. but it's still FREEZING outside :).

Well, I only get 1/2 hr. on the computer and my sessions going to end soon!

Blessings to you :) Shanda :)


prayermama said...

Hi Shanda,
I just got thru writing to you and then somehow deleted it before it posted, I'll try again!

I hope you are keeping a hard copy of your words and what you have posted. I believe your words, the Scriptures, and all the other parts of your blog are filled with words of ecnouragement and love, faith and trust in God and a hope that brings light into our world. I pray that every woman who is going thru what you are or who knows someone who is, will find their way to your blog. I believe that comfort and rest will be found here. I believe that when God has carried you thru this that you could write a book that would ease and comfort the lives and journey's of many.

I believe that God has chosen you to carry His hope to many and I think it is amazing how you have taken a tragedy and made it into a blessing.

Blessings and love through our Lord Adonai and His son Yeshua who brings comfort and rest to those who seek Him.

Say Hello to all your precious ones from us. Jet and David say hello. You are in our prayers,
PS -the boys picked my email name and so 'mom' comes accross as my name.

Shanda said...

I love to write and always wanted to write books... do you know any good agents :). Seriously! I met a women over the summer who said she was starting to be an agent but I never heard from her again.

I want to write books on foster parenting, racism and now cancer!

Hopefully God will open that door someday soon :)

Love you all and I hope to see you this summer!!

luv, Shanda