Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
My five year old is a mini comic, he just says the funniest things. Yesterday he looked at me with his big brown eyes, as I took a pill and he says to me "MaMa, why do you always have to take a pill" then tonight I was laughing really hard and I said "owe, my port hurts" and he looks at me and says "Why don't you just squeeze it out" like it is a zit or something! He said something else that I wanted to share, but I forgot what it will come back to me in the next year.
I have been running errands etc.. and doing this and that all over the place, I am taking advantage of feeling good, before my next chemo (the 2nd of 15 I figured out today). Anyway, when I am out running errands I just want to keep going, even though I don't have any more errands to run, I just don't want to come home. It's like if I stay outside of my house, out in "the world" then everything is o.k. I feel "normal". It's weird, I have never not wanted to come home. I guess this is the part that helps when people have full time jobs when they are dealing with cancer, they get so busy working that they can forget that they have this nasty disease. I also feel this weird need to DO something to fight it, I keep wanting to call my oncologist and say "Hey, I am feeling better now, can I come in today at 2 and get another chemo please?". It's frustrating in a way, I kinda wish I had surgery before chemo because it is still technically inside my body. The reason I have to do chemo first is because the tumor is so large they are hoping to reduce it and then do surgery. I went wig shopping today. Going to call my insurance tommorow and see if they are going to cover the $60 wig purchase. Heck, if they cover a $4200. blood test and a $3425. shot, WHY NOT, hey, maybe I can get three wigs!!! ha ha!
have a GREAT day today :) Shanda :)
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Montana Lake
My shooting head pains are gone!! The Dr. thinks that they might have been from the anti-nausea medication, he said we'll see if you get them back next time. I have been bitten by the cleaning bug!! Watch out that does not happen very often. I am trying to clean and orgainze which is a never ending job with 4 children :). This picture is a lake near Glacier Montana. I forgot the name of it, one day we were driving and I just was so tired, so we stopped and spent the day swimming and having fun at this lake! Montana is a beautiful state! I hope you are having a wonderful day today post Christmas winding down :).
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
This is me with tiny little baby Noah River, he came into the world about the same time that I was dealing with my cancer diganosis, we'll always share a special bond now :). Isn't he just beautiful? Isn't God so good! He is the 5th child of one of my very best friends, Laura (go team Wilkenson!!!). I was planning on starting foster care again this fall/ winter and caring for infants but now I have to focus on this sticky little illness that I have in my path. I have met, and heard of more than a handful of women who were diganosed while they were pregnant, I could not even imagine caring for a newborn and dealing with cancer at the same time!! I am thankful that my youngest will be six in a few short months and I can get a little rest while he soaks up some PBS on T.V. Today was a good day for me! 5 days post my first chemo, the only painful issue I have is this painful knife like activiy in my brain. Other than that, I feel pretty much back to normal. My chidren and I are heading out for some early a.m clearance shopping tommorow, so we are off to bed! We all hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day! :) Blessings! :) Shanda
Happy Birthday Jesus
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, Good will towards men." Luke 2:11-14
My prayer for you today is that the peace that passes all understanging is alive and well in your heart, and in your families heart! Merry Christmas 2006!! Happy Birthday Jesus :)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
4 days post 1st Chemo
Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas Eve!!! As you can see, God has touched many people and the space around our Christmas tree is filling up quickly! I cannont BELIEVE the generosity of the wonderful people God has shared my situation with!!!! The gifts just keep coming, the gift cards, money etc!! It's an amazing thing to "be on the other side" of things. I always try to do my best to help others, to give to people, and I have never been in such a situation to just keep accepting and being so THANKFUL for the wonderful things that people are showering my children and I with. Hopefully the memories of this Christmas will be clear of God's hand active in our lives, hopefully next Christmas will be a celebration of life and healing! That is my Christmas Eve prayer this year, that God would allow me to have a full recovery from this cancer and to continue to live a long healthy life on this beautiful earth he created! Thanks for reading, and I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Eve. :) Shanda :)
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Very Tired.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Day of Surgery
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
First Chemo under my belt
Blessings to you! :) Shanda :)
Monday, December 18, 2006
Angry Ocean
This was a few years ago, in Destin FL. My sisters and I and my children were blessed to go on vacation there. My sis' Colleen bought me a boogie board and her and Shawn taught me how to boogie board. It was a good thing and a bad thing, while we were there most of the time the weather stunk and the ocean was really wild! One of the days all the other beaches had 2 red flags up and I forgot what ours had up, but it sure was not 2 red flags. We went in anyway, we were the only ones in the water and we kept saying how "angry" the ocean was acting. It was so POWERFUL! It would practically drag us under when we were in up to our knees. It was so powerful, but it was a lot of fun. We laughted our heads off boogie boarding! I think we all toned up pretty good that week fighting the angry ocean so much. I feel like that now in a way, of course I can't just walk away from this cancer, but I am going to have to fight each and every day to keep being positive, to keep trusting God, and following him. To not be discouraged, but to be still and know that he is God. Jesus had the power to stop the angry ocean over 200o years ago when he was alive on this earth. Illness and sickness were everywhere, and he healed everywhere he went. He still heals to this day, and I have faith that I will live a long cancer free life for him! We are all in this fight together, you are helping me in my fight. Every prayer, every kind word, every smile, hug, letter, e mail, they all are helping me in my fight. I still am so shocked that this is me dealing with this. Sometimes I feel like this is an out of body experience, but when I realize that this is really going on I do have faith and know that there is a greater purpose for me going through this. I believe that nothing happens by accident, there is no "concidiences". God is alive, and well and he is very involved in my day to day life, and he continues to be a blessing! I hope you have a wonderful day, thank you for helping me fight this angry ocean! Hopefully next winter I will be able to go to Flordia again and visit that ocean and laugh and play for a week like we did just a few short years ago. God is good :) All the time :)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
More Sisters
The good thing, is that I know I am not on this journey alone. I was thinking last night, as yet another person told me "I heard about what's going on, and I am so sorry". I don't want people feeling sorry for me. That is the last emotion I want from people. I want people to look at me, and somehow see Jesus in me. I want them to see that I am not afraid, I know that I am in the middle of God's will, and that is never a scary place to be. God is good, and he loves me. I may not understand, and I may not be the strongest person all the time but he has shown me in many different ways that he is right here with me. My life has changed, forever and I am excited about what God is going to teach me through all of this. The lesson I have learned so far is that he has surrounded me with a wonderful group of friends who love my children and I, and he will never leave me alone.
Cancer evokes many different emotions from different people. It's so amazing, I still don't believe it sometimes, I have to remind myself when I wake up that this is not just a bad dream, it's my reality. God has allowed this to happen to me, and I know he has a purpose for it. Hopefully this is just a bump in the road for me, hopefully I will look back on this time of my life years and years down the road and remember this time and see God so active and alive in my life, and hopefully that will never change.
I have a big day of appointments tommorow and I need to get things all prepared for the next four months of my life, chemotherapy. I better get to sleep! Blessing to you today, I will continue to write in here as much as possible throught this entire process... experience so you can be with me in thought and in prayer :). Good night :) :) Shanda :)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
4 more days!
Friday, December 15, 2006
MRI Experience
My body is also starting to get mad... my veins did not cooperated with the dye that they had to inject 1/2 way through my wonderful MRI experience. My veins said "NO.. NO MORE DYES.... I AM NOT LETTING YOU IN.. ANYMORE!!" They fought hard too, but the tech. finally defeted a vein in my hand.. ouch! I go for a port consult next tues. so I will have a port in my chest where they can put the chemo and get all the blood from me that their hearts desire.
I also went to my third support group meeting last night and I think I have a new friend "Jackie". She will be 50 soon and I just adore her, she's from Scotland and she is just full of spunk and life! She's also amazingly beautiful! I also met someone else who sat just to my left, but she is a much more gentle soul so I forgot her name. Jackie is just like me.. loud and bubblie :)!! I was a wreck at the beginning of the meeting.. I mean, I was just told I might have stage 4 cancer so I was crying and it was just such a nice place to gain my composure. I am so thankful of the Gilda Rander organization for all that they do.
I am hoping that the Lord is bringing me through this just so I can step into the world of cancer and serve him (for 66 more years on this lovely planet that he created so beautifully). That is my goal... 66 more years. I have decided that I would like to be 99 when I die, and I would like to die in my sleep :).
Christmas is just around the corner, we have a full weekend of fun family and friend activities!!!
Life is GREAT and God is GOOD! Blessings to you today!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Thanks for your prayers.. they are so wonderful!!!!!!
6 more days!
An update for you today, I am actually looking FORWARD to chemo.. my tumor is growing so fast, it is actually very painful and it hurts A LOT!!! The chemo is going to shrink it.. and I know it's going stink... but I can't wait for it to stop growing and shrink!!!! 6 more days. I was blessed to get a cleaning appointment for my teeth tommorow, I have 2 cavities that are being filled next tuesday, and I am almost ready for Christmas!!! God is good :).
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I am really going to miss going to FL this winter!!!! Here is a picture I took on the beach not too far from our campsite last year in Jacksonville.
Well, I went to my second support group tonight, it was a specific Breast Care Support group. I am going to another one tommorow called "I'm too young to have Breast Cancer". A few of the women who attended tonight are going tommorow. I checked out books from the library, this is all at "Gilda's House" An amazing organization.! Check them out:
Gilda's house was a dream of Gilda Radner. She died of ovarian cancer in 1989, I think, I was just in high school then! I guess her brother is there a lot, I have not met him yet but I am sure I will run into him. It's a beautiful house and a non-profit organization so if your looking for an organization to support this is a worthy cause! Man, I have been working for that orphanage in Sudan, trying to raise money for them, I collected donations all summer long, and I was able to give them a few hundred dollars from my profits, I am going to have so many more non-profit organizations to raise $$$ for in the future. I plan on getting involved in lots of breast cancer awarness groups, and anything and everthing to spread the word.. and to raise $$$ to find a cure of this madness!!!!!
Off to bed early.... I have to be at the new hospital (only 11 miles from home compared to 50 miles from hom) at 7:45 am for test, I start chemo in a week!!! 6 more days. I start on Wed., now instead of Thurs.
Blessings to you! :) Shanda :)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
It's All Gone!!!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
A Visit From Alaska!!
My little sister Shawn's friend Janelle was supposed to come over today and cut my hair. The advisors on my cancer advisory board are telling me to cut my hair in stages. So today was suppossed to be stage number one. I am doing the two stage approach. She's coming back tuesday and this time she promises to bring her scissors (oops.. she forgot them!). I am getting it all chopped off tuesday, and then I will be shaving it on Jan. 3, 2007 the day before I do chemo, the one that is suppossed to make all of my hair fall out. That's my two step approach. I am going to miss my hair.... no lies there! I love having long hair, I look better with long hair, my hair is easier to manage long, the list goes on.. but the doctors tell me that the hair is going to go, and experienced chemo girls tell me, cut it now! Don't wait until it starts falling out in clumps in your hands, show cancer who the boss is!!!! So, I must let go of the long hair that I tried so hard to grow out. I think it's one of the many steps in this journey that is going to be difficult, but the Lord is good, and he has surrounded me with a wonderful church family, great friends and my family :) :) :). My blessings never end!