Thursday, December 14, 2006

6 more days!

One Brave Kitty!!!! This picture kinda reminds me of what's going on in my life right now. This little cute kitty is just sitting there, on the dashboard loving life :). He trusted in my driving ability, and had no concern for danger. That's how I feel, in God's hand, I am safe. Even though I start chemo in 6 days.. and my tumor has DOUBLED in the last 2 months (I had an ultra sound today) facing cancer alone would be unbearable! I am thankful to have my faith, my God, my family and friends and of course my wonderful church family!! I can just sit in this situation and " be still and know that he is God ".

An update for you today, I am actually looking FORWARD to chemo.. my tumor is growing so fast, it is actually very painful and it hurts A LOT!!! The chemo is going to shrink it.. and I know it's going stink... but I can't wait for it to stop growing and shrink!!!! 6 more days. I was blessed to get a cleaning appointment for my teeth tommorow, I have 2 cavities that are being filled next tuesday, and I am almost ready for Christmas!!! God is good :).

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